
Here you will find documents that we are using as part of our church’s life.

Church Activities

Here is our new leaflet describing all the activities at church.


Please check our activities by opening the above link

Church Strategy

Here is the document that we have created to describe how we want to develop the life of Christ Church, in worship, service, outreach, organization.

5 Year Strategy

Church Leaflet

Here is the church’s information leaflet that we give out to visitors and users of the church.  You can print it out for yourself if you want to.


Worship Consultation

This is a report considering how we worship on Sunday mornings.  Included in the report is a consultation form where members and friends are invited to make their own comments and suggestions.  Please read the report and respond with any comments or questions you may have.  Please put your responses in the “Consultations” box in the north porch.

Worship consultation v1 copy

Welcome Audit

Here is the Welcome Audit questionnaire we are using to find out people’s ideas about how we can improve the welcome we give to children and new visitors to our church.  Please try and answer the questions, or as many as you want to answer, then put your response form in the “Consultations” box in the north porch.

Welcome church audit

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  1. Pingback: Update on Church Strategy | Christ Church Stocksbridge

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