Your child

There are three types of celebration for the birth of your child, and you can choose which one suits you best.

Naming Ceremony

A naming ceremony is for people who want to celebrate their child, and have a ceremony to name the child, but do not want to make religious promises to God, or do not feel able to make promises about bringing their child up in the Christian faith.  This is a non-religious ceremony.


This celebration is for people who want their child named and blessed within a Christian context, and to surround the naming of their child with Christian prayers, songs and ceremony, but do not wish to make promises that they feel may not be appropriate for the child.


This is a Christian ceremony, where the child is baptized with water as a sign of being a part of the Christian Church.  The parents make promises for themselves about their faith, and about bringing the child up in the Christian faith and bringing the child to Church.


Whichever ceremony you choose, you will be able to take photos after the event, and if you want to have a small reception in the church hall for your family and friends that can be arranged.

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