Emmaus Group (Bible Study)

The Bible is at the centre of how we understand our Christian life and so it is vitally important that we take time to explore it and think through what it means for us.

The preaching on Sundays is usually based on the lectionary readings, but to have time to explore and discuss together what it means, we have a regular study group called Emmaus.

It meets at Church at 7.00 pm on the fourth Friday of each month.

The group has just finished studying the Epistle of James which they found intriguing and gave new insights into the life of the early followers of Jesus.

The group has now begun working through Peter’s writing.

John Cornell is the guiding light of Emmaus, and everyone contributes either by sharing their thoughts or studying the text or other commentaries during the month.

It is an open group and explores the tough issues of faith, as well as trying to understand the message of the Gospel in today’s society.