Junior Church

Every Sunday there is provision for young people.  Sometimes there are more young people than other times, but we are always ready and adaptable, with great Junior Church leaders.

You can come to church, with young children, and know that they will be offered a quality children’s learning experience.  We use toys, graphics, music, and other interesting activities to engage the children in learning the stories of Jesus.

The young people are usually in the main church with everyone else for the first 15 minutes of Family Worship, and then they go with the Junior Church leaders into their own session for 45 minutes until the adult worship is ended.

During lockdown, our young people we instrumental in creating CCBN, the Christ Church Broadcasting Network, their own TV channel which featured in a number of our On-line services and pops up from time to time when the young people contribute to our Sunday services.

CCBN News Opening Titles

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