The Meeting Place

HandsThe Meeting Place is a wonderfully warm and welcoming place on Monday mornings.

If you want to make contact with Rachel, who is the Co-ordinator of the Meeting Place, you can contact her by emailing

Here is a leaflet setting out what we are trying to accomplish: Social Cafe Short Leaflet

Christ Church has shared a discussion in Stocksbridge with the Council other churches, statutory agencies, like housing, the libraries and the health service, about the particular needs of isolated lone adults in the Valley.

Out of this discussion emerged an idea for a “Social Cafe”.  This is a one-day a week activity at Christ Church, where isolated and lone people can come and meet others, find sign-posting to services and activities of use to them, and start the process of making friends and widening their lives.

Christ Church, is supported by both The United Reformed Church, Yorkshire Synod and The Methodist Church of Great Britain and other charitable funding bodies to continue to operate The Meeting Place. This enables us to employ a part-time paid worker to lead a team of volunteers from across the Valley, to deliver he Social Cafe, and its supporting activities.

There are lots of things going on in the Valley, and we aim to map them all, ask each activity how it could contribute towards helping lonely and isolated people to improve their ‘connectedness’, and help people to develop a fully and more self-sustaining life.

Here is the background paper setting out the concept and the proposed plans that led to the start up of The Meeting Place.  Please note that this is the original concept paper, and some details have changed, especially that the post is now a part-time post.

Tackling Isolation in Stocksbridge A4 2 cols

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